Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This will be a quick post.  Luckily, we've had an easy day.:)

We had a lecture on canine health today with vet technician.

Then we went to the mall to have our practice certification test.  The trainer talked about the different things we need to accomplish in order to pass.  After going through the practice test, I feel a lot better about Thursday.  Of course, on Thursday, we will also be taking a written test.  We found out today, that this test is not open book (unlike all the quizzes) so we need to do some serious studying before Thursday morning.  We need to get at least 90% on the written test in order to receive certification.   (I think it's 90%.)

After lunch, we had a conference with the vet technician.  We also had some "interviews."  One is for the video they have been making for graduation.  C had fun helping with the cameras.

While we were waiting for our turn with the various conferences/interviews we were able to practice with the trainers on commands we felt we need to work on.  DH also took a nap on the training room floor with our dog.

After we were done for the day, we went to the beach again.  This time we made sure that we wore swim suits.  DH had bought C a bucket and shovel; he was so excited when he saw his toys and had to show EVERYONE his green bucket.  It was cute.

It was nice that today was such a low key day.  C is starting to get very tired and stressed out easily from all the lectures and practicing.  He is starting to interact with his dog better.  He is getting really good about giving pets when she completes a task.

Thankfully, tomorrow will be another low key day.:)


  1. I love hearing about your CCI experience. I left there energized and filled up to the top of my heart. You haven't said who your instructors are. We had Todd, Simi and Patty. Todd and Seamus trained Tadaki.

  2. Oh and share your lunches and dinners with us. You haven't said that everything is FREE. It was so nice to go to the kitchen and make a snack in the middle of the night. It was our gathering place and every night we were all drawn there. I imagine it is a little different for you becaues you have so many families in your class.

  3. Wow...that an adventure in learning you all have been on. So exciting to hear of all your day to day happenings. The ipod has me thinking, for Jonathan. We have looked at many options but all cost to much and as you said are bulky! Plus we are really trying to get him to use verbal answers but at almost 12 he's only up to 40 words at best, some aren't clear. He does use ASL, but still I'd love to get more out of him...sorry to ramble. So much to think about and search for answers. Again so excited for ya'll and praying your written test goes well.
